
Background: A witch and her friend dwarf are bound to solve a problem regarding the devastation of houses in their town and in neighbouring towns. They go from one place to another to help the town folks rebuild their houses and also build special buildings that will help in the improvement of the town such as warehouse, school, and lighthouse. Their task also includes fighting off creatures that worsens the situation of the town. There are ghost pirates, giants and dragons that they need to eliminate using magic.

Tips/Strategies: One should concentrate on the goals in each of the game since there are time limits. Some levels don't need enough money to finish the level. Usual goals would be to achieve a certain amount of rent, build special buildings and eliminate negative forces. To be able to reach the highest rent, upgrade option can be used. Each of the houses is capable of upgrading until three stars. But there is also a special building which is Architecture that will give permit to upgrade to a fourth star. As part also of cost savings you can strengthen your house so that you wouldn't need to repair it every time and you can also charm the house so that hunting forces such as ghosts or giants would go away. There are also spells available when you build a school. Those can help you out to earn more money or make your dwarves work faster. Certain buildings also make the cost of dwarves and woods cheaper so better have the buildings built at the start of the game.

Review: I think this is a good game. The thing is after completing all the levels I still replay some of the games where I didn't achieve gold medal. Gold medal is achieved at a certain time limit and the importance of getting the gold is because you can unlock extra games for a certain group of levels. So its a game you could redo and be better the next time around.


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